Research on automatic segmentation of log computerized axial tomography 原木断层扫描图像的自动分割研究
Standard and file format of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine ( DICOM) is introduced first, then analyzes log computerized axial tomography based on technology of gray scale statistics and gray scale histograms. 首先介绍了医学数字成像标准(DICOM)及其文件格式,在此基础上使用灰度值统计图和灰度值直方图技术,对原木轴间断层扫描图像进行了分析。
Infrared computerized axial tomography is a high technology for the application of IR testing in measuring temperature distribution in the inner-wall of a heating equipment. 电子计算机辅助红外断层摄影技术,是一项把红外测试技术应用于加热设备内壁热场分布检测的高新技术。